

Use the trademarked Sempre Crema Narrow for ground java and brew one or two 1 ounces shots of gourmet java. The metal system of the Delonghi EC702 is deterioration resistant and provides simple cleaning. The boiler is metal as well, which avoids mineral buildup meaning less descaling and stops your gourmet java and hot water from having a metal taste.

The Delonghi Esclusivo features a 15 bar pump that creates a thick fantastic crema. The metal exterior houses a simple to use gourmet java machine. The Esclusivo gourmet java machine is compact enough to fit almost anywhere.

Use the Easy Serving Espresso (ESE) filter for ESE java pods The java pods allow for an extremely automated encounter rather than worry about grinding and tamping your java grounds. They are also a no-mess alternative.


Skip the learning curve with the trademarked cappuccino vapor magic wand for wealthy rich and creamy dairy memory foam. The special tip is designed to circulate air to make excellent memory foam or distribute hot water for hot tea, cocoa, or soup. The 44 ounces water tank ensures that you have plenty of water to enjoy your gourmet java machine.


The customers liked the metal system of the Delonghi EC702. The fantastic crema was wealthy and simple to make. This Delonghi EC702 is more affordable than many others but provides a high excellent gourmet java with the right beans. The vapor magic wand is simple enough to use. The cup hotter is actually just a holder that uses the heat from it, if you pre-warm it you can get the mugs heated.

The big problem is with the vapor magic wand being in an uncomfortable place. This makes getting the dairy under it difficult which can make a clutter. Sometimes the vapor magic wand will flow. Plus you need to remember to turn on it 10 to 15 minutes before you want a cup of gourmet java. The cup holder is not adjustable, but most just used mugs that fit.

Over 80% of the customers recommended the Delonghi EC702. Read the instructions. For an extremely automated encounter use the java pods you will get a beautiful crema that most customers loved. This Delonghi EC702 is not as heavy as many others, however for the price it fits and also produces an excellent gourmet java.

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